by Amanda Cassar | Oct 6, 2020 | Aged Care, Elderly, Health, Retirement
The Importance of Exercise for Older Adults: Stay Active & Independent Staying active at any age is essential, but as we age gracefully, regular exercise becomes even more critical. Physical activity doesn’t have to be intense—just consistent and tailored to your...
by Amanda Cassar | Sep 29, 2020 | Aged Care, Elderly
“I’m Old – Not Stupid” – Challenging Ageism in Everyday Interactions Have you ever heard someone speak to an older person in a patronizing tone—almost as if age automatically equals a loss of intelligence? Unfortunately, this is a common issue,...
by Amanda Cassar | Sep 22, 2020 | Aged Care, News
How Seniors Can Stay Youthful, Healthy & Active Aging is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean seniors have to slow down or feel confined by their age. Staying youthful and healthy—both physically and mentally—requires the right mindset, lifestyle choices, and a...
by Amanda Cassar | Aug 19, 2020 | Aged Care, News
Coronavirus has severely exposed flaws within Australia’s aged care systems, such as inadequate staff training and a lack of pandemic planning. Counsel assisting the commission, Peter Rozen QC, made a statement on Monday which has described the global pandemic as the...
by Amanda Cassar | Apr 29, 2019 | Aged Care, Health
5 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Dementia Dementia is a devastating condition that affects one in ten people over 65. Research suggests there are proactive steps you can take help keep dementia at bay and to reduce your risk.[1] According to The Economic Cost of Dementia...